Diane Hunker, Ph.D., mba, rn

Photo of Diane Hunker
Program Director of Nursing, DNP Program Coordinator & Professor of Nursing
Eastside - 154

Hometown:  Franklin Park, PA
Joined Chatham:  2007


研究生 and Online Nursing Education, Nursing Administration, Nursing 研究 in Women's 健康 


Dr. Hunker, Professor of Nursing, serves as the Nursing Programs Director and DNP Program Coordinator. She teaches primarily in the DNP program.

  • Bachelors of Science in Nursing, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) 1989
  • Masters in Business Administration, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) 1994
  • Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 2007
  • 2007 - present Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
  • 2007-present National League for Nursing
  • 1988-present Sigma Theta Tau International, Chi Zeta Chapter
  • 狼,维.A.,吴,H., Spadaro, K.C., 蹲下,D.F. (2020) Chinese Nurses’ Perceived Impact of International Educational Experiences and Cultural Beliefs Following A One-Year Study Abroad Program: An Exploratory Study. Frontiers in Nursing, 7(1), 23-28.
  • Spadaro, K., & 蹲下,D.F. (2020). Experience of an 8-week online mindfulness intervention for nursing students: Qualitative findings. Nurse Educator, e-pub ahead of print.
  • 吴,H., Spadaro, K.C., 蹲下,D.F.沃尔夫,D. (2020) Impact on Chinese nurses' roles after study abroad: An exploratory study. Journal of Nurse Education and Practice, 10(5), 63-70.
  • 蹲下,D.F., Shellenbarger, T., 加斯科因,E.A. (2019) Doctoral Student Self-assessment of Writing Development, Journal of Doctor of Nursing Practice. 12(2), 141-147.
  • 加斯科因,E.A., Shellenbarger, T., 蹲下,D.F. (2018) MSN Students’ Self-Assessed Use of the Knowledge, 技能, and Attitudes of Scholarly Writing, Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(6), 350-354.
  • 蹲下,D.F.罗柏先生., Spadaro, K.C.美国新泽西州沃斯科市. (2018) Executive Nurse Leaders: Exemplar for using Information 技术 to Bolster Professional Role Development of BSN-DNP Students. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice, 11(2), 160-164.
  • Shellenbarger, T., 加斯科因,E.A., 蹲下,D.F. (2018) Advancing Scholarly Writing of Baccalaureate Nursing Students Using the knowledge, 技能, and attitude self-assessment for writing development.. Nurse Education Today, 69, 109-112.
  • 罗伯,M., 蹲下,D.F. (2018) Identifying Motivational Factors for Enrolling in a Doctor of Nursing Practice Program. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(11), 680-683.
  • 斯莱德J.D.罗柏先生, Sherrod, B., 蹲下,D. F. (2017) Online Adjunct 教师 支持: An Innovative Use of a Learning Management System, Nurse Educator, 42(3), 143–146.
  • Spadaro, K.C.,吴,H.沃尔夫,D.A., 蹲下,D.F., (2017) Preparing for an International Student Cohort: Making a Global Impact on Nursing, Nurse Education Today, 10 (57), 88-94.
  • BenDavid, D. N., 蹲下,D. F., & Spadaro, K. C. Uncovering the golden veil: 应用ing the evidence for telephone screening to detect early postpartum depression. The Journal of Perinatal Education, January 2016
  • Spadaro, K.C., 蹲下,D. F. Exploring the effects of an online asynchronous mindfulness meditation intervention with nursing students on stress, 情绪, and cognition: a descriptive study, Nurse Education Today, 2016年5月
  • 蹲下,D. F., (2015) Chapter 4: The 健康care Environment. The Doctor of Nursing Practice and the Nurse Executive Role. Wolters Kluwer 健康: Philadelphia, PA
  • 霍普金斯,E.沃尔夫,D.斯莱德,J., Spadaro, K.C., 蹲下,D.F.M.D. Creating a Virtual Nursing Honor Society: Key 技术 Design Considerations, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, January 2015
  • 蹲下,D.F., 加斯科因,E.A., Shellenbarger, T. Evidence-based knowledge, 技能 and attitudes for scholarly writing development across all levels of nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing, August 2014
  • 加斯科因,E.A., 蹲下,D.F. Facilitating student retention in online graduate nursing education programs: A review of the literature. Nurse Education Today .2014年5月
  • Shellenbarger, T., 蹲下,D.F., 加斯科因,E., Understanding the scholarly writing development of nurses in US clinical doctoral programs. Nursing Forum. January 2014
  • Spadaro, K.C., Stevens, E.E.M.沃尔夫,D.斯莱德,J., 蹲下,D.F. A virtual nursing honor society: Recognition for online academic excellence. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. January 2014
  • 加斯科因,E., 蹲下,D.F., Shellenbarger, T., Advancing the quality and safety of radiology and imaging nursing practice through scholarly writing. Journal of Radiology Nursing. September 2013
  • Pessagno, R., 蹲下,D.F. The use of short-term group psychotherapy as an evidenced-based psychiatric nursing intervention for first-time mothers at risk for postpartum depression. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. 2012年7月
  • 加斯科因,E., Shellenbarger, T., 蹲下,D.F. ,Developing Scholarly Writers: The Experiences of Students Enrolled in a PhD Nursing Program. , Nurse Education Today, June 2012
  • 加斯科因,E., 蹲下,D.F. Facilitating Scholarly Writer Development: The Writing Scaffold. Nursing Forum. 2011
  • Wisner K.L., D。., Hanusa, B.H., Moses-Kolko, E.L.伯根,D.L., 蹲下,D.F.佩雷尔,J.M., Jones-Ivey, S.L·博德纳尔,., Singer, L. Major Depression and Antidepressant Treatment: Impact on Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes. 2009年4月
  • 蹲下,D.F., Patrick, T.E., Albrecht, S.A., Wisner K.L. Is difficult childbirth related to postpartum maternal outcomes in the early postpartum period? Archives of Women’s Mental 健康. 2009年7月
  • Spadaro, K.C., 蹲下,D.F. Why Promote Mindfulness in Nursing 学者? Students Share Their Mindfulness Experiences. Podium Presentation, February 2019, AACN Master’s Education Conference, Tampa, FL
  • 蹲下,D.F.罗柏先生. Maintaining Online Program Rigor: A Look at Full-time Versus Adjunct 教师 Grading Practices. Podium Presentation, April 2019, OLC Innovate 2019, Denver, CO
  • 罗伯,M., 蹲下,D.F., Panton, L. Academic Writing Feedback: Using VoiceThread to engage Online Students in the Feedback Loop. Podium Presentation, April 2019, OLC Innovate 2019, Denver, CO
  • 吴,H., Spadaro, K., 蹲下,D.F.沃尔夫,D. Returning Home After Study Abroad: Impact on Personal and Professional Roles of Chinese Nurses. Podium Presentation, June 2019, ICN Congress 2019, Singapore
  • 罗伯,M., 蹲下,D.F. Breaking the ICE: Strategies for Establishing an Authentic Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom. Podium Presentation, September 2019, NLN Education Summit, Washington DC
  • 狼,维., Spadaro, K.,吴,H., 蹲下,D.F. Exploring Chinese nurses’ learning needs and cultural beliefs when studying in the United States, Podium Presentation, 2018年5月, 7th International Nurse Educator Conference, 班夫, CA
  • Shellenbarger, T., 加斯科因,E. A., 蹲下,D.F, Baccalaureate Nursing Students’ Self-Assessment of Knowledge, 技能, and Attitudes Toward Scholarly Writing, Podium Presentation, November 2017, 44th Biennial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN
  • 蹲下,D.F., Shellenbarger, T., 加斯科因,E.A., Doctoral Nursing Students' Use of Evidence-Based Knowledge, 技能, and Attitudes of Scholarly Writing, Podium Presentation, 2017年7月, 28th International Nursing 研究 Congress, 都柏林, 爱尔兰
  • 加斯科因,E.A., 蹲下,D.F., Shellenbarger, T. Using the KSAs of Scholarly Writing to Improve 研究生 Students’ Writing: The Role of the Nurse Educator, Podium Presentation, February 2017, AACN Masters Conference, 亚特兰大, GA
  • 加斯科因,E., Shellenbarger, T., 蹲下,D.F. Using an Innovative 研究-Based Process to Facilitate Scholarly Writer Development, Podium Presentation July 2015. Sigma Theta Tau International's 26th International Nursing 研究 Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Spadaro, K., 蹲下,D.F. Exploring the Effects of an Online Asynchronous Mindfulness Meditation Intervention on Nursing Students on Stress, 情绪, and Cognition. (Podium Presentation February 2015). AACN’s Master’s Education Conference,St. Petersburg, FL
  • Shellenbarger, T., 蹲下,D.F., 加斯科因,E.A. The Experiences of Doctoral Nursing Practice Students Scholarly Writing Development. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses 42nd Biennial Convention (Indianapolis, IN), November 2013, Podium Presentation
  • Spadaro, K., 蹲下,D.F.沃尔夫,D.M., Stevens, E.斯莱德,J. 技术, 领导 and Professional Development: A Virtual Nursing Honor Society for Distance Learners. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses 42nd Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN. Podium Presentation
  • 蹲下,D.F., 加斯科因,E.A., Shellenbarger, T. Evidence-based knowledge, 技能 and attitudes for scholarly writing development across all levels of nursing education . Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses 42nd Biennial Convention (Indianapolis, IN). November 2013 (Poster Presentation)
  • 加斯科因,E.A, Shellenbarger, T., 蹲下,D.F. Becoming a Scholarly Writer: The Experience of First Semester PhD Students. NETNEP 4th International Nurse Education Conference (巴尔的摩, MD), June 2012, Oral Presentation
  • Spadaro, K. and 蹲下,D.F. Developing an Online Mindfulness Intervention for Distance Learners. AACN Doctoral Conference (Naples, FL), January 2012. Poster Presentation
  • 加斯科因,E.A., 蹲下,D.F. Recognizing Doctoral Level Writing Deficiencies: Strategies for Success (January 2010). AACN Doctoral Conference, Captiva Island, FL
  • 蹲下,D.F.M.D., Who are our DNP Students? Poster Presentation, September 2009. NLN Education Summit, Philadelphia, PA
  • 蹲下,D. (April 2008). Effects of Adverse Birth 事件 on Maternal 情绪, Functional Status, and Infant Care. National teleconference for MedED.产后抑郁症.org
  • 蹲下,D. (November 2007) Effects of Birth 事件 on Maternal 情绪 and Functional Status. Abstract for poster presentation, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 39th Biennial Convention, 巴尔的摩, MD